Have a question that hasn’t been answered yet? Try looking below.

If we still haven’t answered your question, please contact us.

How far in advance should I reserve my rental?
We typically set our delivery schedule 3 days before drop off, especially for the weekend. However, we try to be as flexible as possible, so contact us any time and we will do our best to accommodate you. We often can!
Do you require a deposit?

We do not typically require any deposit to schedule your reservation. However, if you rent over the 4th of July holiday a $25 refundable deposit will be required. After we have picked up the bounce house and it is deemed in good working order (no burn marks from fireworks, etc.), we will refund the deposit.

If we deem it necessary, at any other time, we reserve the right to require a deposit.
When is payment due?

Payment is required before or at delivery.

​We accept cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. We can also accept payments through PayPal.
When is payment due?

Payment is required before or at delivery.

​We accept cash, check, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. We can also accept payments through PayPal.
Can I keep the bounce house overnight?
Rentals typically run from morning until night. If you require rental overnight, a $50 overnight fee will be added. The overnight fee is waived if you decide to rent for more than one day. Sometimes, for our schedule, we will require the bounce house to be delivered the night before or picked up the next morning. In this case, no fee will be required.
What if there is inclement weather on my rental day?
We understand that weather plays a big part on your plans for the bounce house. We monitor weather closely throughout our season and will contact you if we will not be delivering your bounce house. We will try to reschedule for a more convenient time or we will refund your payment.
Occasionally, we must pick up the bounce house earlier than expected due to impending storms. We will work with you to try and provide as much rental time as possible.
How many kids can jump on the bounce house at one time?
We recommend 6-7 children enjoy bouncing at one time. However, weight does play a factor. Larger kids should not jump with smaller kids to avoid injury.
Do you have water slides?
We do not carry any water slides and do not allow water to be used on our houses. Because we are a small operation, we do not have the time or equipment to clean and disinfect water slides as required.